Batman Busy Book 마음에 들어요.Batman 를 좋아하는 팬으로써 ,,매번 이야기를 궁금해하고 관심있게 지켜보고 있어요.좋아하는 캐릭터라, 구매하게되었는데, 피규어가 들어있는 점이 결정적이었어요.그런데, 피규어가 너무 작아요.피규어가 크다면, 이 가격에 맞출수 없다는 것은 알지만, 그래도 조금 부실해 보이네요.하지만, 작아서 더욱 귀여워 보이기도 하네요.책 내용도 쉽고 무리가 가지않아서 좋습니다.캐릭터를 사랑하는 분들에게 추천하고 싶어요.주의 할 점은 ....책의 내용도 너무 간단하고, 가장 중요한 피규어 도한 작고 완성도가 떨어진다는 점 만 유의 하시;면, 되겠네요....!!!I like it.,, by fans who love batmanEvery time, wondering and watching with interest stories.My favorite character and purchasing It was crucial, but the point that contains the figures.But, figures was too small.Figures are large, we know that for us to prouduce it at this price, but still looks a bit from poor.However, small and more And it does look cute.Book contents are easy and no pressure is good.I want to recommend to those who love the character.To careful about is ...The book s contents too simple, Hashi ;, note the most important figures also small and only drops that of completion, we could talk about
An engaging storybook and toy in one activity kit! My Busy Books offer full-page illustrations, a story, 12 figurines, and a playmat that bring the characters to life and ignite your child s imagination. 3 years and up.
TM & ⓒ DC Comics.
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